Thermal stability of cold worked microstructure of MP159 alloy

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fems0601
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In order to know the longest permissible thermal exposure time during which the cold worked (CW) microstructure would remain unchanged, the effect of the thermal exposure at temperatures ranging from 910?℃ to 1?070?℃ on the microstructure was investigated for MP159 alloy by optical microscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Such a study can provide guidance for determining reasonable hot forging parameters of fasteners. The results indicate that the intersecting network of fine platelets in CW microstructure are thermal stable when thermal exposure temperature does not exceed 920?℃. When thermal exposure temperature exceed 920?℃, the intersecting network of fine platelets will dissolve, but the thermal exposure temperature has the longest permissible thermal exposure time during which the intersecting network of fine platelets will not dissolve. In order to know the longest permissible thermal exposure time during which the cold worked (CW) microstructure would remain unchanged, the effect of the thermal exposure at temperatures ranging from 910 ° C to 1 ° 070 ° C on the microstructure was investigated for MP159 alloy by optical microscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Such a study can provide guidance for determining able hot forging parameters of fasteners. The results that that intersect intersecting network of fine platelets in CW microstructure are thermal stable when thermal exposure temperature does not exceed 920 ° C. When thermal exposure temperature exceed 920 ° C, the intersecting network of fine platelets will dissolve, but the thermal exposure temperature has the longest permissible thermal exposure time during which intersecting network of fine platelets will not dissolve.
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