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自本期起,本刊将在每月的上半月刊连续刊登余贻骥先生回忆录《难忘岁月》。该书由余老自己所著,回顾记述了他个人从故里童年至今的经历。余老今年91岁高龄,从事造纸业63载,亲历见证了新中国造纸业发展全过程。在他60多年职业生涯中,不论是管理生产、科技攻关,还是教书育人、著书立说,都兢兢业业、勤勤恳恳,为中国造纸产业发展壮大作出了卓越贡献。《难忘岁月》全书共10篇,为集中突出余老在造纸行业的人生历程,特选登从第4篇到第10篇的主要内容。这些篇章记述了余老从早年留学美国到归国从业半个多世纪所经历的风风雨雨,其中提到许多人和事,读来真切感人。书稿文笔轻松诙谐、流畅自如,字里行间闪烁着智慧的火花,给人以深刻启迪。为保持原书风格,选编未打乱原有结构顺序,敬请读者关注。 Starting from this issue, we will publish the memorable years of Mr. Yu Yi Ji in the first half of each month. Written by Yu himself, the book reviews his personal experiences since his childhood. At the age of 91, Yu Yu, 63 years old in the paper industry, witnessed the whole process of the development of new paper industry in China. In his 60-year career, he has made outstanding contributions to the development and expansion of China’s paper industry, both in management and production, in scientific and technological research, in teaching and educating others, in writing and in writing. “Unforgettable years” a total of 10 books, in order to focus on the remaining Yu in the paper industry life course, selected from the fourth to the tenth chapter of the main content. These chapters record the ups and downs that Yu Lao experienced over half a century of studying in the United States from his early years in the United States and returning to China. He mentioned many people and things and read them truly. Writing manuscripts easily witty, smooth and comfortable, flashing wisdom sparks between the lines, giving a profound enlightenment. In order to maintain the style of the original book, the selection does not disturb the original structural order, so readers are welcome to pay attention.