中央电视台教育科技频道 (CCTV - 10 )《异想天开》栏目要录制关于植物花色变化的节目 ,其命题是“将一种植物花的颜色变为其它颜色 ,然后再变回原色”。我系学生经过反复探索 ,多次实验 ,在规定的时间内完成了该命题 ,如期录制了节目 ,该节目于 2 0 0 2年“五一”前播出。现将
The CCTV-10 Educational Science and Technology Channel (CCTV-10) “Whimsies” section is to record a program about the changes in the color of plants. The proposition is “change the color of a plant flower to another color, and then change back to the original color.” After repeated explorations and repeated experiments, my department completed the proposition within the prescribed time and recorded the program on schedule. The program was broadcast before May 1 of 2000. Now