Robert Horton,男,1954年出生于德国慕尼黑郊外,童年移居美国麻萨诸塞州,并加入美国国籍。1975年,在德克萨斯州Agriculture andMechanics(A&M)大学获农学学士学位,1977年获士壤物理学硕士学位,1982年于新墨西哥州立大学获土壤物理学博士学位。1981年进入爱荷华州立大学做助教,1990年晋升教授,现为爱荷华州立大学农学院院长。从1982年丌始,Horton先生一直承担研究生教学任务,并被评为爱荷华州立大学最优秀研究生教师之一;到目前为止,已有来自世界各国的7位硕士生、16位博士生和10位博士在他的指导下毕业。Horton先生的学生们目前已在各自的学术领域担当重任,可谓桃李满天下。
Robert Horton, male, born in 1954 in the outskirts of Munich, Germany, moved to Massachusetts and joined the United States as a child. He received his BS degree in Agriculture from the University of Texas in Agriculture and Mechanics (A & M) in 1975. He received a BS in Soil Science from 1977 and a Ph.D. in Soil Physics from New Mexico State University in 1982. Iowa State University in 1981 to do teaching assistant, promoted to professor in 1990, is now Iowa State University College of Agriculture Dean. From the beginning of 1982, Mr. Horton has been undertaking postgraduate teaching assignments and has been named one of the best postgraduate teachers at Iowa State University. So far, there have been 7 Master’s and 16 PhD students from all over the world Ten Ph.Ds graduate under his guidance. Mr. Horton’s students have now played an important role in their respective academic fields and are well known throughout the world.