一年级应用题教学是整个小学应用题教学的基础,它直接影响到以后各年级应用题的教学。为了使学生打好基础,根据一年级学生的年龄特点、认知规律和教材安排的特点:由用图画代替文字,到图文结合,逐步过渡到完全用文字叙述的应用题,我采取了以下的教学方法。 一、看图口述应用题 在教学“10以内数的认识和加减法”时,根据小学生具体形象思维占主导地位的特点,我在教学中引导学生观察各式各样的实物图画,用语言把图画中的数量关系表达出来,就是一道口编应用题。如五年制小学课本第一册第8页一幅图,先让学生看图,老师口述图意:
The first grade application problem teaching is the basis of the entire primary application question teaching, it directly affects the teaching of the application questions in all grades in the future. In order to lay a good foundation for students, according to the characteristics of first-year students' age, cognitive rules and teaching materials arrangement: from the use of pictures instead of words, to graphic integration, gradual transition to completely narrative application questions, I took the following Teaching method First, the picture dictation application questions In the teaching of “10 the number of recognition and addition and subtraction,” according to primary image specific thinking of the dominant features, I guide students in teaching a wide range of physical pictures, with language The number of relations in the picture is expressed, is an oral question. Such as five-year primary school textbooks first book page 8 of a map, let the students see the picture, the teacher dictates: