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本文从资本与劳工权力对抗的角度出发,探讨在民工荒的背景下珠江三角洲地区的劳动密集型工厂如何控制工人的辞工以及工人如何反抗工厂的控制。受到民工荒的影响,许多劳动密集型工厂面临着招工难的问题,工厂的管理者较以往更加注重对工人辞工的控制。为了避免激化劳资矛盾,工厂管理者对工人辞工采取了“形式上较为松散但实质上更为严格”的控制。与此同时,工人反抗的形式变得更为多样化,既包括公开的对抗,也包括间接的、隐性的反抗。本研究发现,性别成为影响工人反抗方式的一个重要因素。 In this paper, from the perspective of confrontation between capital and labor power, this paper explores how labor-intensive factories in the Pearl River Delta controlled the resignation of workers and how workers resisted the control of factories in the context of labor shortage. By the shortage of migrant workers, many labor-intensive factories are faced with the problem of recruitment difficulties, and the factory managers pay more attention to the control of workers' resignation than ever before. In order to avoid aggravating labor conflicts, factory managers took “less formal but more rigid” control over workers' resignations. At the same time, the forms of workers' resistance have become more diversified, including both open confrontation and indirect and implicit rebellion. This study found that gender has become an important factor affecting workers' resistance.
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