一提起街坊,人们很容易想起“远亲不如近邻” 的五六十年代,那一扇扇敞开的窗口飘出的阵阵温馨和笃笃亲情,引人怀想。从那个年代走过来的老党员姜淑英有一桩心事:不信街坊不相亲。 丹东振兴区纤维街道纤维一委的苗仕学,青年时期参加过抗美援朝战争,在一次战斗中头部负伤,落下残疾。复员后到化纤公司工作。与李云芝结婚后,先后生下了两个患有痴呆症的儿子:大儿子叫苗玉臣,二儿子
Mentioning the neighborhood, it is easy to think of the fifties and sixties when “distant relatives are not as good as their neighbors,” and the warm, taciturn affection of an open window floated the imagination. Jiang Shuying, an old party member who came over from that era, had one thing: do not believe the neighbors do not see each other. Dandong revitalization zone fiber street fiber first Miao Shi school, youth to participate in the war to resist the war America and the DPRK, in a battle head wounded, falling disabilities. After the demobilization to chemical fiber company. Married with Li Yunzhi, successively gave birth to two sons with dementia: the eldest son called Miao Yuchen, the second son