1961年,由外交部组织22个国家驻华使节、代办及其夫人一行72人来庐山观光,还有柬埔寨国家元首西哈努克亲王的公子、公主抵山休息。为此,中央特委派踪毅赴庐山考察。 到达庐山的第二天上午,陈毅在住处召集庐山党委和管理局的负责同志汇报庐山的工农业生产形势。汇报后,陈毅说:要得嘛,你们现在要认真落实“调整、巩固、充实、提高”的八字方针,在这方面多想些办法,把这三年自然灾害造成的困
In 1961, the Foreign Ministry organized a delegation of 22 ambassadors to China. The delegation and his wife took 72 people to visit Lushan, as well as the son of Prince Sihanouk, the head of state of Cambodia. The princess arrived at the mountain to rest. To this end, the Central Special Commission sent Yi to Lushan visit. On the morning of the second day of Lushan Mountain, Chen Yi summoned the leading comrades of the Lushan Party Committee and the Authority to report the industrial and agricultural production situation in Lushan at the residence. After the report, Chen Yi said: Well, now you should conscientiously implement the eight-character principle of “adjustment, consolidation, enrichment and improvement”. We should think of some ways in this regard and put these three years of natural disasters