In the western history of thousands of years of literary theory, there have been five representative criticisms: moral criticism, social criticism, psychological criticism, formalist criticism and archetypal criticism. When these five criticisms developed to the socialist Soviet Union, they formed a specific model of the quarter-Mofiev. For thousands of years, the history of Chinese literary theory undoubtedly has rich content and perfect fine theory system of literary theory. However, as a socialist China, it lacks its own unique and perfect theoretical system of literary theory. Xiao Junhe’s “new mode of literature and art research” (hereinafter referred to as “the new mode”) is an attempt by him to creatively construct a literary theory system with Chinese characteristics. First, the principle of subjectivity of literature and art is a red line running through the “new model.” Through a critical study of the traditional “object theory” and “subject theory”, the book has formed a unique literary and art foundation based on the philosophical foundation of “subject-object” theory and the aesthetic of “beauty in connection with mind and body”