在佛山市工商界,在三水白坭镇群众中,陈应标这个响当当的名字,真可以说是无人不晓。他为人们所熟悉,除了因为他把一间锁厂搞得名扬四海外,还因为他把人大代表这一重任,视为神圣的使命,为群众为公益做出了奉献。这位貌不惊人的省人大代表、佛山市三水区三星制锁实业有限公司董事长兼总经理个头不大,身高只有一米六几,但显得很结实,一双炯炯有神的眸子,一身朴实整洁的衣着。仅和他聊了一阵子,一个企业家的睿智、博见,一个人大代表的风度与眼光,已给我一种很独特的印象。由于约好了要会见外国客商,他向我表示了歉意,急匆匆地走了。在工作人员赵小姐的陪同下,环绕古色古香的总经理办公室和会客室,我浏览了一圈,橱柜里、墙壁上摆放着大大小小的几十面牌匾——“三 A 级中国质量信用企业”、“中国五金制造行业诚信经营示范企业”、“全国乡镇企业家”……驻足在陈应标办公室,宛如置身于一个令人钦佩的光环缤纷的荣誉殿堂。
In the business community in Foshan, among the people in Baisha Township of Sanshui, Chen Yingbiao is a popular name, which can be said to be unknown to everyone. He is familiar to all people, except that he has made a famous lock factory all over the world. He also regards it as a sacred mission and dedication to public welfare. This seemingly amazing Provincial People's Congress, Foshan Sanshui Samsung Lock Industry Co., Ltd. chairman and general manager of small, only one meter sixty, but it is very strong, a pair of piercing eyes, a Simple and neat clothes. Only chatted with him for a while. The wisdom and insight of an entrepreneur and the demeanor and vision of a NPC deputies have given me a very unique impression. He gave me apologies and hurriedly left for an appointment to meet a foreign merchant. Accompanied by the staff Miss Zhao, surrounded by antique general manager's office and reception room, I visited a circle, cabinets, walls placed on the dozens of large and small face plaque - “three A-class quality in China Credit enterprises ”, “ China hardware manufacturing industry integrity management model enterprises ”, “ national township entrepreneurs ”... ... stop in Chen Yingbiao office, like being in an admirable aura of honor Hall.