中亚、西亚的美术 当我们离开尼罗河流域时,埃及雄伟壮丽的古代遗迹给人留下难以磨灭的印象,矗立在尼罗河畔的金字塔、卡尔纳克、卢克索尔、阿比多斯,在温暖的空气中产生一种亘古长存的沉寂,暗示着永不泯灭的历史存在。再往东旅行进入亚洲,这里是另外一个伟大的古文明摇篮,即“美索不达米亚”,这是近东历史上最富裕的地区。早在公元前六千年到五千年已有锄耕农业,从地理上看它是一个走廊地带,是东西方交通咽喉,战略要冲,历史上民族复杂,战乱频繁,出现了许多历史学家无法解释的现象。至今还是两霸相争
Art in Central Asia, West Asia When we left the Nile Valley, the majestic ancient ruins of Egypt left an indelible impression on the Pyramids by the Nile, Carnac, Luxor, and Abidos The warmth of the air produces a longstanding silence that implies an uninterrupted historic existence. Traveling further east into Asia, here is another great cradle of ancient civilization, “Mesopotamia,” which is the richest part of the history of the Near East. As early as 6000 BC to 5000 BC, there has been hoeing in agriculture. Geographically, it is a corridor zone. It is a throat of traffic in the east and the west. Its strategic strategy is that the nation has a complicated history and frequent wars. Many historians have emerged Unable to explain the phenomenon. So far, it is still a battle between two tyrants