咯血系指咯出血液而言,其程度重至咯出净血、明显血痰,轻者仅痰中带血。一般认为48小时内咯血量>600ml 者谓之大量咯血。一、病因咯血是肺、心疾病的一个常见症状,据统计占胸科门诊患者7~15%。现将常见的咯血病因列于表1,供临床诊断时参考。必须指出,慢性炎症肺疾病,特别是伴有肺组织破坏时,如空洞型肺结核、慢性肺脓肿、支气管扩张及曲菌球等是导致大量咯血的原因。然而,近年来随着肺结核防治工作普遍地开展,结核病的发病率已显著降低,因此肺结核已
Hemoptysis refers to hemoptysis, the extent of heavy to slightly out of the blood, blood clotting obvious, light only bloody sputum. Generally believed that 48 hours of hemoptysis> 600ml who said a lot of hemoptysis. First, the cause of hemoptysis is the lung, a common symptom of heart disease, according to statistics, accounting for 7 to 15% of thoracic clinic patients. The common causes of hemoptysis are listed in Table 1, for clinical diagnosis reference. It must be pointed out that chronic inflammatory lung diseases, especially associated with lung tissue destruction, such as empty-tuberculosis, chronic lung abscess, bronchiectasis and aspergillum, etc., are the causes of massive hemoptysis. However, in recent years, as tuberculosis prevention and control work is generally carried out, the incidence of tuberculosis has been significantly reduced, so tuberculosis