At present, in the range of 1,200 to 1,500 rpm, the 956/1163 twin series diesel engine from MTU Company of West Germany is the highest in power. The speeds of 20V956 and 20V1163 are 1500 rpm and 1200 rpm respectively / Min, the power reached 4100 kilowatts (6580 horsepower). The 956/1163 dual-series diesel engine has 12 and 16 cylinders in addition to 20 cylinders. The specific weight is 3.8 kg / kW (2.8 kg / hp) and the specific power is 240 kW / m ~ 3 (330 hp / m ~ 3). This machine is a four-stroke exhaust turbocharged diesel engine, using external air cooling. Cylinder angle of 60 °, supercharger