读者会注意到,这一期的若干篇文章都是有关“左公柳”的。“左公柳”是当年左宗棠督陕甘时及收复新疆过程中,令当地军民沿陕甘驿道、甘新驿道栽植的柳树、杨树、沙枣树等的通称。在中国的古树名木中,以人物命名的恐怕不多见,这是百姓们对绿化山川、造福一方的地方官的一种褒扬、赞许和肯定。可以想见,在戈壁大漠、黄土高坡上夹道绵延数千里的绿色,是怎样的一种景观。但是,如今“左公柳”已成为一种历史的陈迹,一种逝去的风景,人们呼唤着“寻找‘左公柳’”。好在有关“左公柳”的记载保存在历史档案、地方史志和私人笔记里。这些记载,有些是集中的,有些是散存的,将它们收集拢来,撰写一系列文章,刊载于一期杂志上,进行“专题化”,是本刊的一种尝试。 既是一种尝试,在编排上就采取了既分散又集中的办法,专题中的各篇文章分散在各个栏目里,而在排版上集中在一块儿,期望能给读者一种整体的感觉。 本期的专题是“左公柳”。其实,专题取材应该是丰富多彩的,凡是档案史料中有记载的,能从档案文化的角度反映地方特色、文化风貌的事件、人物皆可入专题。本刊打算在今后的几期里再开辟几个相关的专题,也希望有兴趣的读者、作者给本刊出新的专题,提出自己的建议或设想,共同办好《档案》杂志。 ——编者
Readers will note that several articles in this issue are about “Zuo Gong Liu.” “Zuo Gongliu” was the common name of the willows, poplars and sand date trees planted by the local army and civilian officials along the Shaanxi-Gansu post-road and the Gansu post road during the time when Zuo Zongtang Governor Shaanxi and Gansu and recovered Xinjiang. Among the ancient and famous trees in China, I am afraid that people may not be able to name them. This is a compliment, praise and affirmation made by people to local officials who green the mountains and benefit one. Can imagine, desert in Gobi, loess high slope thousands of miles on the road rolling green, what kind of a landscape. However, now “Zuo Gong Liu” has become a historical monument, a passing landscape, people are calling for “looking for” Zuo Gongliu. “ Fortunately, the record of ”Zuo Gong Liu“ is kept in historical records, local history records and personal notes. Some of these records are concentrated, some scattered, collecting them together, writing a series of articles, published in a magazine, the ”specialization“ is the magazine’s attempt. It is not only an attempt to adopt both a decentralized and a centralized approach in the orchestration. The articles in the topic are scattered in various columns, but are concentrated in typesetting in the hope of giving the reader an overall feeling. The issue of this issue is ”Zuo Gong Liu." In fact, the thematic materials should be rich and colorful, all documented in historical materials, from the perspective of archival culture reflect the local characteristics, cultural events, characters can be into the topic. The journal intends to open up a few related topics in the next few issues and also hopes that interested readers and authors will give new ideas to this journal and put forward their own suggestions or ideas to jointly run Archives. --editor