20 0 1年 6月 1 7~ 2 5日 ,笔者与中国社会科学院东欧中亚研究所副所长董晓阳、东欧中亚研究杂志社社长常玢博士一道对土库曼斯坦进行了访问。此行受到土库曼斯坦外交部和有关方面的热情接待 ,中国驻土使馆也对代表团给予相当细致的安排和照顾。这是笔者第二次访问土库曼斯坦
From June 17 to June 25, 2001, I visited Dongkeng Yang, the deputy director of the Institute of Eastern and Central Asia Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and Dr. Chang Chang, the president of the Eastern European Central Asian Research Journal. The visit was warmly received by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan and other parties concerned. The Chinese Embassy in Turkey also gave the delegation very detailed arrangements and care. This is the second visit to Turkmenistan by the author