会员制起源于15世纪的欧洲。封建时代的贵族们因不屑与平民阶层平起平坐,组织了各种类型的封闭式俱乐部。随着血统贵族在历史舞台上的淡化,会员制俱乐部开始走向白领中产阶级进而成为平民化的娱乐场所。1985年我国娱乐业出现会员制,短短10年时间,形形色色的会员制俱乐部热潮汹涌,大有席卷神州之势。由于会员制具有网络固定客户的特殊功能,所以很快又被精明的商家引进了商业竞争。 商界风行会员制 零售商业在近年的发展颇为活跃,从柜台式、店铺式到超级自选市场、连锁商店和仓储式商店,商战硝烟此消彼长,当人们对这些变化渐
The membership system originated in Europe in the 15th century. The nobles of the feudal era organized various types of closed clubs because they did not bother with the civilian class. As the aristocrats of the descent weakened on the historical stage, the membership clubs began to move toward the white-collar middle class and became popular places for entertainment. In 1985, there was a membership system in the entertainment industry in China. In a short period of 10 years, there was an upsurge of membership clubs of various kinds, which greatly swept the country. As the membership system has the special function of fixed customers on the Internet, it has quickly been introduced into commercial competition by savvy merchants. The popular membership system in the business sector The retail business has been actively developed in recent years. From counter-style, shop-style to super-selected markets, chain stores, and warehouse-style shops, the battle of cigarette smoke is on the rise and decline.