1993年8月23日至9月17日,我有幸随以中国人民保险公司(以下简称人保公司)财产险部原总经理杨大荣为团长的地震保险考察团,赴墨西哥、美国和日本进行友好访问,受到了墨西哥国家保险监督局、美国太阳集团保险公司等12家保险同行和日本国际贸易促进会的热情接待,了解和学到了不少知识。本文拟结合我国的实际,借鉴墨、美、日三国开展地震等巨灾保险的经验教训,谈谈个人对健全完善我国地震等巨灾保险制度的一些思考。 一、墨、美、日三国开展地震等巨灾保险的情况
From August 23 to September 17, 1993, I was fortunate to travel to Mexico, the United States and Japan for friendship with earthquake insurance delegation headed by Yang Da-rong, the former general manager of the PICC Property and Casualty Department of People’s Insurance Company of China (hereinafter referred to as PICC) The visit was warmly received by 12 insurance counterparts, including the National Insurance Agency of Mexico, the insurance company of the American Sun Group, and the Japan Council for the Promotion of International Trade, and learned and learned a great deal of knowledge. This article intends to combine the reality of our country, drawing lessons from Mexico, the United States and Japan to carry out the experience and lessons of catastrophe insurance such as earthquakes, to talk about some personal thoughts on how to improve and perfect the catastrophe insurance system such as earthquakes in our country. First, Mexico, the United States, Japan and other countries to carry out earthquakes and other catastrophe insurance situation