世界经济全球化是一种必然的趋势,我们应该主动地迎接这一潮流,并在这一潮流中,寻利去弊,加大利用外资的力度,以使我国的经济步入更加健康发展的轨道。 经济全球化是经济发展的客观需要 今天的世界已经处在信息时代,很快就要进入知识经济时代,国际分工的基础发生了根本性变化,生产技术和专业化协作替代了自然资源的分工基础。随
Globalization of the world economy is an inevitable trend. We should take the initiative to meet this trend. In this trend, we should seek advantages and disadvantages and increase the use of foreign investment so that our economy will become more healthy. track. Economic globalization is an objective need of economic development Today’s world is already in the information age and will soon enter the era of knowledge-based economy. Fundamentals of international division of labor have undergone fundamental changes. Production technologies and specialized collaborations have replaced the basis for the division of natural resources . With