顺应课改要求 洋溢时代气息 彰显地方特色——2010年高考江苏政治试题的特点及启示

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2010年,江苏省迎来实施新课程改革以来的第三年高考。与2008年、2009年相比,2010年江苏高考政治试卷总体稳定,稳中有变,变中求新,较好地体现了思想政治学科新课程标准的要求和2010年江苏省政治科《考试说明》,既有较高的信度和效度,又有必要的区分 In 2010, Jiangsu Province ushered in the third year of college entrance examination since the implementation of the new curriculum reform. Compared with 2008 and 2009, the political examination papers of Jiangsu college entrance examination in 2010 were generally stable, steady and changeable, and sought for a new one. They reflected the requirements of the new curriculum standard of the ideological and political discipline and the “Examination of Political Science in Jiangsu Province in 2010 Description ”, both high reliability and validity, but also the necessary distinction
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