【摘 要】
From point of view of physics, especially of mechanics, we briefly introduce fractional operators (with emphasis on fractional calculus and fractional different
【出 处】
Science in China(Series G:Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)
From point of view of physics, especially of mechanics, we briefly introduce fractional operators (with emphasis on fractional calculus and fractional differential equa- tions) used for describing intermediate processes and critical phenomena in physics and mechanics, their progress in theory and methods and their applications to modern me- chanics. Some authors’ researches in this area in recent years are included. Finally, prospects and evaluation for this subject are made.
From point of view of physics, especially of mechanics, we briefly introduce fractional operators (with emphasis on fractional calculus and fractional differential equals) used for describing intermediate processes and critical phenomena in physics and mechanics, their progress in theory and methods and their applications to modern me- chanics. Some authors’ researches in this area in recent years are included. Finally, prospects and evaluation for this subject are made.
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也许并不能包括所有,但在某种情况下,婚姻关系中的施虐和受虐是双方共同需要的心理游戏。 在某些长期家暴的情况中,女人一直在通过情感隔离、被动攻击等隐蔽的方式激怒施暴者,也就是说,这种女人即使再婚,遭受家暴的可能性依然很大。 你也可能遇到过这样的怪事,一个人经常控诉配偶或者同事欺负她,你劝她结束关系,她会找出千万个理由证明她对此无能为力;如果你付诸行动帮助她离开受虐关系,比如找律师起诉离婚,她反而
很难想象,一个从湖北襄阳农家走出的初中毕业生,却成为中国第一个3D打印房屋的人。 他就是上海盈创装饰设计工程有限公司董事长马义和。3月29日,盈创在同济大学逸夫楼举办建筑3D打印发布会上宣称,公司在苏州厂区内有一台高6.6米、宽10米、长150米的3D打印机,可以24小时内打印出10栋200平方米的水泥平房,这些可以供人居住的房子正在上海张江高新青浦园区内的一片空地上展示。 消息甫出,国内3D
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