自从1981年美国诊断首例艾滋病以来,这种20世纪的“超级瘟疫”已经无情地吞噬了上百万人生命,成为全球关注的严重的公共卫生问题。据世界卫生组织报道目前全世界HIV感染人数已超过1700万,到2000年全球将有1000万成人和500万儿童发展为艾滋病(AIDS)患者,而且这些病例的大部分将发生在亚洲、拉丁美洲和非洲。 我国虽然尚未发生艾滋病大流行,但世界上艾滋病的严竣形势以及南亚、东南亚一带艾滋病患者和感染者剧增的事实,告诉我
Since the United States first diagnosed AIDS in 1981, this 20th century “super plague” has ruthlessly engulfed millions of lives and became a serious public health issue of global concern. According to the World Health Organization, there are currently over 17 million HIV infections worldwide. By 2000, 10 million adults and 5 million children worldwide will develop AIDS. Most of these cases will occur in Asia and Latin America And Africa. Although the AIDS pandemic has not yet occurred in our country, the serious situation of AIDS in the world and the fact that the number of people living with HIV and AIDS in South Asia and Southeast Asia have soared dramatically tell me