聪明的网络冲浪者们有一个秘密:拥有一个属于自己的浏览速度快且只包含最常用链接的主页。所以如果您可以创建自己的主页又何必浪费时间去等待别人那些充满无用链接的主页缓慢地出现在你面前呢?假如您知道这些内部技巧的话,您将可以很容易做到这一点。那就让我们从www.pccomputing,com/getnow的April 1999下载一个模板开始吧。
Clever web surfers have a secret: own a homepage that’s fast and contains only the most commonly used links. So if you can create your own homepage and why waste time waiting for someone else’s homepage that’s full of useless links to appear slowly to you? You’ll be able to do this if you know these in-house skills. Let’s start by downloading a template from April 1999 at www.pccomputing.com / getnow.