一、矿山概况西部深水平金矿位于南非共和国德兰士瓦省约翰内斯堡西南约60公里处。金颗粒以致密状分布在石英基质的砾岩层中,含金品位16克/吨。主要开采 V.C.R.及 C.L 两层平行矿脉,倾向南,倾角22°,厚度0.3~2.5米。V.C.R.矿脉从1500米标高延伸到2800米,目前在1500~2080米采金;C.L 矿脉从2400
I. Overview of Mines The deep western gold mine is located about 60 kilometers southwest of Johannesburg in Transvaal province, Republic of South Africa. Gold particles are densely distributed in the conglomerate of the quartz matrix with a gold content of 16 g / t. The main mining V.C.R. and C. L two parallel veins, tend to south, dip 22 °, the thickness of 0.3 to 2.5 meters. The V.C.R. veins extend from a height of 1,500 meters to 2,800 meters and are currently gold mining at 1,500 to 2,080 meters; the C.L veins range from 2,400