记得女儿上小学时,我们和许多父母一样,不能容忍孩子在学习上的失败。我们要求女儿每次考试都尽可能做到天衣无缝,对她的每一次失误——特别是那些所谓“重要考试”的失误痛心疾首。女儿在同样苛刻的老师和父母的双重夹攻下变得越来越谨小慎微,我们却视而不见。 1994年6月,终于到了小学毕业统考的“最关键时刻”。统考的头天晚上,才满12岁的女儿失眠了。第二天早上,吃不下饭的她神情惶惶地走进了考场。在语
I remember when my daughter was in elementary school, we, like many parents, could not tolerate children’s failure in learning. We ask my daughter to be as seamless as possible on each exam, with every mistake she makes-especially those misses that are so-called “important exams”. Daughters are becoming more cautious when they are under the dual attack of equally demanding teachers and parents, and we turn a blind eye. In June 1994, finally reached the “most crucial moment” for primary school graduation exams. The exam of the day before night, only 12-year-old daughter insomnia. The next morning, she could not help but looked worried into the examination room. In language