On October 16, 1913, Leipzig celebrated the centennial anniversary of the famous “Battle of Nations” victory in a solemn atmosphere. A monument to Napoleon’s victory has been erected on the historic site. The national bands of Germany, Austria, Hungary and Russia played the national anthem. Many publics welcomed the celebration of the Synergy and Peace of the organizers. It was on this day that Wilhelm II made the fatal decision to provoke a dispute in the Balkans. Ten months later it led to the war between Austria and Hungary against Serbia and later led to the greatest catastrophe in human history and the world imperialist war. The German Emperor called Austrian’s chief of staff Konrad to himself and said to him: “The troops of the Hapsburg dynasty can take more direct military actions. Why can not you enter Belgrade?” For Conrad What he was concerned with was the question of what Germany would do in that situation; Wilhelm II wished to fully support his own allies: "I and