苏联学者Ж·Т·图列诺夫撰写的《辩证法范畴的相互关系》一书,由莫斯科高等学校出版社1986年出版。该书是苏共二十七大之后苏联哲学界最新推出的一部专著。 全书共五章。在第一章中,作者从哲学史角度考察了辩证法范畴的相互关系,内容涉及各个时代哲学家在这一问题上的论述。作者引证了马克思、恩格斯和列宁的有关论述,对这一问题作了概括性的总结。在第二章中,作者论证了辩证法范畴是现实与认识矛盾关系的反映,辩证法范畴是一个相互联系的完整的体系,这一体系反映了客观内容的矛盾性
Soviet scholar Ж · Т · Tolynov wrote “the dialectical category of interrelationships” a book, published by the Moscow higher school press in 1986. The book is the twenty-seventh Soviet Communist Party after the latest introduction of a book of philosophy. The book consists of five chapters. In the first chapter, the author examines the interrelationship of the categories of dialectics from the perspective of the history of philosophy, and discusses the philosophers’ discourse on this issue in various periods. The author cites relevant expositions of Marx, Engels and Lenin and summarizes this issue. In the second chapter, the author argues that the category of dialectics is a reflection of the contradictory relationship between reality and cognition. The category of dialectics is a complete and interrelated system, which reflects the contradiction of objective content