A Study of Chinese Request Speech Acts

来源 :校园英语·中旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:GoAndSeek
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  Pragmatics is an important branch and research field of linguistics. After the famous linguist J. L. Austin introduced the Speech Act Theory in 1955, John Searle, Austin’s student, linked the illocutionary act with the discourse content. He gave a clear description of the locutionary act and illocutionary act. The core problem of this study is how do people meet the needs of expressing “request others to perform something” by using language form. The origin of the word “request” was the ancient French word “requeste”. The definition of request is a behavior that expresses the need or desire or requires (someone) to do something. Therefore, the speakers often adopt some strategies to adjust the use of various forms of courtesy to make requests polite and easy for listeners to accept, so as to achieve the purpose.
  According to Brown and Levinson in 1987, request will be affected by three factors: the strength or weakness of power, the relationship between speakers and the degree of requirements. When people talk to other people, especially when it comes to making requests, either directly or indirectly, the politeness principle must be considered according to their own culture. The examples I conduct from my experience are as followings: ①Help me check my homework. ②Go and print the material. ③Turn the book over to page 151. ④Xiao Zhang, I’d like to ask you a favor. ⑤Could you pass me my bag, please? ⑥Hi! Brother, what are you doing now? ⑦I forgot to bring the meal card, have you eaten yet? ⑧Honey, I see Xiao Li bought a new dress. I tried it and like it very much.
  There are many ways to express a “request”. The Chinese request strategy is divided into direct request strategy and indirect request strategy:
  1. The direct request strategy: the speaker makes the request in a clear word directly to the person to be asked. With short and clear words directly indicate the purpose of the speaker, ask the other person to do something. From the examples above, we could classify that sentence 1, 2, 3, 4 are in this type. In the relation of parent
【摘要】小学英语教学想要取得理想的教学效果,就需要小学英语教师结合学生的心理特征和学习特点,探讨科学的教学模式。而趣味教学模式的应用有助于引起小学生的学习兴趣,不断激发学习的热情,从而提高学习的积极性以及课堂教学效率。文章分析了趣味教学模式在小学英语教学中应用的意义,在进行趣味教学时遇到的问题以及在小学英语教学中如何促进趣味教学模式的应用。  【关键词】小学英语;趣味教学模式  【作者简介】高静,
【摘要】随着21世纪的来临,大学英语教学活动面临着更加严峻的挑战。不只是这样,也在无形当中面临着一次深入改革以及深度发展的机遇。当机遇和挑战碰撞时,大学英语教学活动的再一次定位与日后的发展前景早已引起相关部门、各界人士与相关教育工作者的高度重视。基于此,本文针对当前大学英语教学面临的压力进行探讨,并在基础上提出行之有效的解决对策。  【关键词】大学英语教学;压力;措施  【作者简介】向慧群(197
【Abstract】The famous American author Theodore Dreiser is regarded as one of the greatest masters of naturalism and his maiden work Sister Carrie is deemed as his classic work as well as one of the the
【摘要】未来教室是一种能够激发学生学习热情、促进学生全面發展的新颖教学模式,本文以未来教室在教学中具体的实践应用经验为例,详细介绍未来教室在传统教学课堂改革、调动学生积极性和思维活跃程度方面的显著作用,多角度多方面来阐述未来教室对于教学的重要意义。  【关键词】未来教室;应用;英语教学;信息科技  【作者简介】王唯,江苏省昆山市锦溪中学。  未来教室的发展为中学英语教学提供更加便捷的操作手段,为学
【摘要】思维导图作为当前新课程改革实施过程中,出现的一种全新的教学模式,在我国高中英语阅读教学中的推广和应用,有助于提高学生英语阅读能力和水平,同时有助于提升学生的语言能力,文化意识,思维品质,学习能力,实现英语核心素养的育人价值。  【关键词】思维导图;英语阅读教学;阅读能力  【作者简介】黄晓蓉, 宁夏回族自治区银川市永宁县永宁中学。  一、引言  随着高中英语教师对思维导图在英语阅读教学中应
【摘要】语言知识是构建语言能力的基础,思辨能力构成语言能力的核心。本文旨在探讨语言知识、语言能力和跨文化思辨能力的关系上,提出教师应该如何在语言课程中培养学生的思辨能力。  【关键词】语言教学;语言能力;思维能力培养  【作者简介】柳辉(1968.2- ),女,汉族,宁夏隆德人,教育硕士,宁夏师范学院外国语学院,副教授,研究方向:语言学及语言教学。  随着经济全球化与国际化人才成为大国崛起的迫切需
【摘要】随着我国教育教学领域的快速发展,很多高等院校都对大学英语的课程设置进行了大胆的创新,通过融入一些英语国家的生活文化和社会文化使得课程内容变得更加丰富,从而达到拓展学生知识面以及提高他们英语综合素养的目的。然而,大学英语选修课在实施过程中还存在一定的问题和不足,所以如何把这些问题进行更好地解决并让大学英语选修课程的价值功能得到全面地体现,就是笔者下面要重点分析的问题。  【关键词】大学英语选