Methane hydrate formation and dissociation in synthetic seawater

来源 :Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fenghuazz
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The formation and dissociation of methane gas hydrate at an interface between synthetic seawater (SSW) and methane gas have been experimentally investigated in the present work. The amount of gas consumed during hydrate formation has been calculated using the real gas equation. Induction time for the formation of hydrate is found to depend on the degree of subcooling. All the experiments were conducted in quiescent system with initial cell pressure of 11.14 MPa. Salinity effects on the onset pressure and temperature of hydrate formation are also observed. The dissociation enthalpies of methane hydrate in synthetic seawater were determined by Clausius-Clapeyron equation based on the measured phase equilibrium data. The dissociation data have been analyzed by existing models and compared with the reported data. The formation and dissociation of methane gas hydrate at an interface between synthetic seawater (SSW) and methane gas have been experimentally investigated in the present work. The amount of gas consumed during hydrate formation has been calculated using the real gas equation. Induction time for the formation of hydrate is found to depend on the degree of subcooling. All experiments were conducted in quiescent system with initial cell pressure of 11.14 MPa. Salinity effects on the onset pressure and temperature of hydrate formation are also observed. The dissociation enthalpies of methane hydrate in synthetic seawater were determined by Clausius-Clapeyron equation based on the measured phase equilibrium data. The dissociation data have been analyzed by existing models and compared with the reported data.
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