在艾滋病(Acquired immune deficiency syndrome,AIDS)患病人数持续上升,且生存年限逐年提高的情况下,如何提高AIDS病人的生存质量,已成为一个亟须关注的问题,也是一项关系社会和谐稳定的重要工作。虽然国家出台了的“四免一关怀”政策和《艾滋病防治条例》,使AIDS病人的合法权益得到了法律保护。同时,民政、卫生、红十字会等部门也有许多可用于帮助生活困难的AIDS病人的资源。但
How to improve the quality of life of AIDS patients has become an urgent concern and an issue that is related to social harmony and stability under the condition that the number of Acquired Immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) patients continues to rise and their life span increases year by year. Important work. Although the state promulgated the “four exemptions and one care” policy and the “AIDS Prevention and Control Regulations”, the legal rights and interests of AIDS patients are protected by law. At the same time, there are many resources available to people living with AIDS, such as civil affairs, health and the Red Cross Society, to help people living in difficult conditions. but