The listening difficulties in Chinese EFL classrooms and the basic skills to improve their listening

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  “Real success in English teaching and learning is when the learners can actually communicate in English inside and outside the classroom”This essay aims to analyze the difficulties the students are faced with and list some solutions while they are learning listening to English and provide practical guidance to enable students to approach the learning of listening with confidence.
  Listening difficulties the Chinese students are facing
  The students may encounter many difficulties they face in understanding a talk, speech or dialogues in using language. The listeners, place and the different kinds of audience could be the causes of these difficulties. The factors include the speaker talking quickly, the noisy background, individual slang languages, lacking in visual clues, the listener’s poor vocabulary, uncertain about the knowledge of the theme, not knowing how to distinguish different persons“sounds and external influences. Listening comprehension is also influenced by the speakers” features. Different speakers have various different types of characteristics. Apart from those mentioned above, listening is affected by the ways the listeners use and the strategies the students employ.
  Some solutions about the difficulties the students are suffering from
  As teachers we should be aware of the potential difficulties faced by the students so that we can help to decrease their influence. The solutions are listed as the follows:
  Get the students to review on what they hear. The elements which result in interference in listening are obvious. With the help of the prediction task, we can motivate the students` interest in the topic, and activate the students to recall more pre-teach essential vocabularies. What’s more, when we preview what is the topic of a talk or a conversation about, many of the relevant words and expressions saved in our brains is “specialized” to evolve us better understand what we’re listening to.
  The communicative approach to listening classes
  Ask the students to join or guess what will be discussed from the related materials. Then, brainstorm any vocabulary or ideas connected with the topic. Try to divide the listening materials into shorter sentences to get the students to answer them. Activate the students to finish the gaps in a short summary and identify synonyms or antonyms of key words and phrases.
  Important listening skills
  We had better make our students aware of the following strategies to make them effective listeners, As a matter of fact, to develop listening strategies, we should exploit listening texts and tasks we might ask our students to do in order to focus their attention on the content of the texts to understand the texts effectively.   The students can have different kinds of forms to listen inside or outside the classrooms. Also, we can make use of multimedia about adverts, songs, news, weather forecast, TV series or films. Thirdly, academic, formal interviews, lectures, speeches and events can be adopted as well, if possible.
  Using digital television, video or the Internet as a source of listening material.
  Songs for improving listening
  Songs sometimes reflect popular culture. Songs have unique advantages for the practice of listening comprehension because of their meaningful context. Songs should have clear lyrics to improve the EFL students` listening skill. Of course, songs have pedagogical value, enjoyable for students, and match the level of the students` tasks. Moreover, lyrics have repetition, and the tune is simple and easy. At the same time, songs reflect the cultural, gender, and religious sensitivity
  This essay points out the difficulties the Chinese students are facing today, puts forward some solutions and confirms some effectiveness of using some listening skills to improve the students` listening skills according to the difficulties as well as the possibilities of the students. The results can be of great benefit to the students aimed at improving listening comprehension in a foreign language. Therefore, the Chinese teachers are advised to focus more on the listening strategies, which means that the students can be involved in plentiful listening materials. We, as teachers, need to take into consideration that the strategies mentioned in this essay elicit students to enhance their listening skills, develop the atmosphere of success and stimulate their sense of listening activity.
【摘要】随着近年来我国基础教育体制改革的深化,如何做好中学生的英语教学工作也受到了英语教育者的关注。在我看来,以素质化教学理念为导向,将探究式教学方法应用到中学生英语课堂中可优化初中生的认知架构,激发其潜在的学习欲望。鉴于此,本文就探究式教学法在中学生英语教学中的应用展开详细分析,并提出具体的研究思路,以供广大读者参考。  【关键词】中学生;英语学习;兴趣;问题研究  【作者简介】李想,宁波大学科
【摘要】随着信息社会的的快速发展,SPOC模式被应用于多种学科中。MOOC缺乏结构化的评价标准及私人化的反馈,并且只有小部分人能最终完成课程。相对而言,SPOC模式却能很好的避免这些缺点。本文将SPOC和高职英语特点联系在一起,思考高职英语的教学改革。  【关键词】SPOC;高职英语  【作者简介】徐丹,吴燕春,汤景坡,江南影视艺术职业学院。  一、引言  随着信息社会的快速发展,高等职业教育受到
【摘要】语言具有维持或改变人际关系的功能,语言得体无疑会有助于建构有效的人际关系。本文从顺应论视角下探析语用得体的重要性,深入解读人际交往中语用得体的影响因素,并提出恰当的语用策略,实现高效运转的社交语用目的。  【关键词】顺应论;语用得体;语用距离  【作者简介】王晓玲,山东师范大学。  一、前言  语言是打开人们交往之路的窗口,交往过程中由于语言不得体造成语用失误的例子数不胜数。这不利于和谐的
【摘要】高中英语听力课程的教与学,是高中英语的重要组成部分,对于学生的英语成绩和综合素质来说,具有重要的意义。听力课程的教育与培养工作,不仅仅是通过单一的听力课程训练,而是基于学生对于英语综合能力培养为基础。本文笔者就当前高中英语听力教与学的现状,结合自身的教学与思考,谈谈高中英语听力教与学的发展对策,希望对当前高中听力教与学过程提供一些浅显的帮助和参考。  【关键词】高中;听力;教与学;发展;思
【摘要】“翻转课堂”这种创新理念来自于美国, 近些年来,在国内外语教育界引起高度关注, 这种教学模式在一些国家或地区掀起课堂教学的新潮。然而,目前这种新的教学模式在国内的高职英语教学中应用比较少。本文就高职英语教学的现状及“翻转课堂”的理念及其优势作出一定的研究。  【关键词】翻转课堂;高职英语;教学设计;模式;自我评价  【作者简介】罗孝琼,女,侗族,贵州凯里人,本科,黔东南民族职业技术学院,讲
【摘要】语篇教学是高中英语教育教学中的关键点,是发展高中生英语核心素养以及实现高效英语教学的有效路径,要将思维导图科学应用到高中英语语篇教学中,让各层次学生在获取英语语篇知识与情感体验中发展英语语篇解读、语言思维能力以及英语思维品质。  【关键词】思维导图;辅助;高中英语;语篇教学  【作者简介】李世芳,沛县第二中学。  教师要综合剖析高中英语语篇教学现实问题,结合素质教育背景下高中英语学科教学新
【摘要】针对商务英语学生跨文化交际能力的培养现状和社会需求,充分利用微信的灵活性、碎片性、持续性和交互性等优势,尝试构建以微信为媒介的商务英语学生跨文化交际能力提高模式,从而提高商务英语学生的跨文化交际能力。  【关键词】微信;商务英语学生;跨文化交际能力  【作者简介】宋金花(1979.3- ),女,汉族,黑龙江省大庆师范学院,讲师,硕士研究生,研究方向:外国语言学及应用语言学;尚艳辉(1982
【摘要】随着社会的不断发展,人民生活水平的不断提高,大众对于教育界的要求也随之提升。近年来,由于新课改的实施,使我国对于初中英语的教学理念以及教学目标都发生了巨大变化,初中英语教师面临着前所未有的挑战。因此,本文将针对在初中英语教学中如何提高学生的运用语言能力进行分析,指出存在的问题,并提出有效改进措施,旨在帮助教师进行教学。  【关键词】初中英语教学;提高;语言运用  【作者简介】徐金龙,江阴市
【Abstract】With the development of the society, people have more and more chances to contact with the foreigners. So they are eager to communicate with them in English, but most of them do not have eno