白石水库河床坝段的混凝土灌浆盖板分2 个年度3 次完成,盖板越冬后产生裂缝的原因是入冬前浇筑的盖板混凝土内外温差过大以及盖板混凝土厚度不足,为了减少裂缝,建议安排在春季浇筑盖板混凝土,固结灌浆后连续浇筑上层混凝土,尽量增厚基础混凝土。
The concrete grouting covers in the dam section of Baishi reservoir are completed in 3 times in 2 years. The reason for the cracks after the cover is overwintered is that the temperature difference between the inside and outside of the cover concrete pouring before winter and the thickness of the cover concrete are insufficient. In order to reduce the cracks, It is recommended to arrange the pouring of concrete cover in spring and pouring the upper concrete continuously after consolidation grouting so as to thicken the basic concrete.