晚清洋务运动时期 ,以李鸿章为代表的洋务派 ,通过试行近代官督商办企业体制 ,蛹化培育了近代中国民族资产阶级的第一代———上海资本家阶级的核心群体。这种前所未有的阶级关系新变动 ,堪称具有中国特征的“历史上划时代的事情”。
During the Late Qing Westernization Movement, the Westernization School represented by Li Hung-chang nurtured the first generation of the modern Chinese national bourgeoisie - the core group of the Shanghai capitalist class by experimenting with the system of enterprises run by the government in modern times. This unprecedented new change in class relations can be called “a historic epoch-making event with Chinese characteristics.”