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一、关于基层供销社的改制方向问题党中央、国务院和浙江省委、省政府以及全国供销合作总社都要求把供销社办成农民群众集体所有的合作经济组织。具体来说,就是保持供销社的合作性质不变,但其所属企业、门店可以实行多种形式的经济体制或模式。浙江省政府浙政发[1999]142号文也提出:实行基层供销社“一社多制”的多元化的产权制度改革,除资不抵债、无法生存的基层供销社外,基层供销社的主体应继续存在,且必须坚持合作制。这是供销 I. The direction of restructuring of grass-roots supply and marketing cooperatives The Party Central Committee, the State Council, the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, and the National Supply and Marketing Cooperatives all require the supply and marketing cooperatives to be organized as cooperative economic organizations collectively owned by the peasants. Specifically, it is to maintain the cooperative nature of the supply and marketing cooperatives, but its affiliated companies and stores can implement various forms of economic systems or models. The Zhejiang government’s Zhejiang Zongfa [1999] No. 142 also proposed: Implementing a multi-level property rights system reform at the grass-roots supply and marketing cooperatives and “multi-systems with multiple agencies”, and grassroots supply and marketing cooperatives in addition to insolvent and unviable grass-roots supply and marketing cooperatives. The main body should continue to exist and must adhere to the cooperative system. This is supply and marketing
精细化管理作为一种新理念和管理手段,已被各行各业的管理层所重视,在实践中取得了明显成效。同理: As a new concept and management tool, meticulous management has bee
作为成品油销售“后方”的油库,如何做好自己的工作,有效配合一线销售部门占领市场,辽宁沈阳于洪油库的做法值得借鉴。 As a refined oil sales “back ” of the oil depo
一系列有关安全生产费用的法规与政策,明确规定要建立企业提取安全费用制度。但在具体执行中,有必要“三思而行”。 A series of laws and regulations and policies on saf
客人先后来到,可是酒仍是温的。我又忘记把葡萄酒先冰好了。一位朋友说:“不用担心,我可以立刻把酒弄凉。” The guests have come, but the wine is still warm. I also f