要诱发学生对学习音乐的兴趣,就需要采用一些巧妙的办法和直观形象的教具、形体动作来刺激和诱发他们乐意学习,变“要我学习音乐”为“我要学习音乐”。在教学实践中,我采用了以下几种学生易接受的教学法,效果较好。 一、集中认识唱名法 在一年级的第一个学期中,集中解决七个唱名,做法如下:(1)用系列故事引出唱名,将音符物化,根据音符本身的形象,转化成各种形象,使学生发生兴趣,并用儿童喜闻乐见的系列故事形式引出唱名。如把七个唱名编成了《咪咪做客》。老师说:今天我给你讲个《咪咪做客》的故事。星期天,小熊、小羊做完了功课,就“叭”的一声打开了电视机收看少儿节目,只见电视正播放《动物世界》,你看那袋鼠多好玩,肚皮上还放了个口袋呢!里边还装了只小袋鼠……,它们看得正起劲,
To induce students to interest in learning music, we need to use some clever ways and intuitive images of aids, body movements to stimulate and induce them to learn, change “want me to learn music” as “I want to learn music.” In teaching practice, I adopted the following kinds of students acceptable teaching method, the effect is better. First, concentrate on understanding the first name method in the first semester of the first grade, focused on the seven soliloquy, as follows: (1) with a series of stories leads to roll-call, the note materialized, according to the image of the note itself into each Kind of image that interest students and lead the way with a series of stories loved by children. Such as the seven sing names compiled into a “Mimi guest.” The teacher said: Today I tell you a “Mimi guest” story. On Sunday, the Cubs and the lambs finished their homework and opened the TV to watch the children's program on the sound of “Horn.” I saw that the TV was playing “Animal World.” You see that the kangaroo is more fun. There is also a pocket on the belly! There are also only a small wallabies inside ... ..., they are positive,