党的十三届五中全会 指出:“企业承包经营责 任制有利于调动企业和职 工发展生产的积极性,应 当继续坚持。同时,要认 真总结实践经验,兴利除 弊,不断加以完善”。我 们应深刻理解这一精神, 搞好新一轮承包经营责任 制。 我们推行承包制三年 多来,实践证明,它具有 强大的生命力
The Fifth Plenary Session of the 13th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China pointed out: “The responsibility system of contracting management of enterprises is conducive to mobilizing the enthusiasm of enterprises and staff and workers in the development of production and should continue to insist on. At the same time, we must conscientiously sum up practical experience and constantly improve our economy and eliminate disadvantages.” We should profoundly understand this spirit and do a good job in the new round of responsibility system of contracting management. We have implemented the contract system for more than three years. Practice shows that it has strong vitality