就要在生俺养俺的土地上创业 昔日的济南市槐荫区段店村是一个贫穷落后、脏乱不堪的村子,“小打天天有,大打三六九”,村委会门口,村民们排着队要活干,更有一些村民游手好闲无所事事。 1990年,新一届村委班子成立,祝天勇被乡亲们推举为村党委副书记、村委会副主任,祝天勇作为村里最年轻的领导干部成为带领村民致富的青年先锋。从他上任的第一天起,就立志要为段店村几千口人斩掉穷根子,摘掉穷帽子,彻底改变段店村的落后面貌。土生土长的他深深知道:在城郊结合部的段店,光靠种地种不出金娃娃,应该让土地发挥更大的作用。祝天勇与村委班子成员经过广泛的调查、讨论,最后研究决定:因地
It is necessary to cultivate my own land on the pioneering Anji district in Jinan City, the former is a poor, dirty village, The villagers lined up to work hard, and some villagers idle idle. In 1990, the new village committee was established. Zhu Tian-yong was elected by the villagers as the deputy secretary of the village party committee and the deputy director of the village committee. Zhu Tianyong, the youngest leading cadre in the village, became the vanguard of the youth leading the villagers to become rich. From the very first day he took office, he determined to kill thousands of people in Dian Diancun and cut off the poor hat, completely changing the backwardness of Dian Dian Cun. He was born and grown and knew very well: in the suburbs of the junction of the shop, alone planting no gold doll, should make the land play a greater role. Zhu Tian-yong and members of the village committee after extensive investigation, discussion, the final study decided: due to