黄河东流去,风正一帆悬。奔腾东进的黄河,演奏着激昂澎湃的旋律,吟诵着气势恢弘的乐章,生动地记录下泉城济南的沧桑巨变! 走进泉城,这里有泉水垂杨的优雅,更有黄河东去的雄阔;这里有明湖绿荷的清新,更有千佛名山的浑朴;这里有名土彬盛的历史,更有气象万千的今天。这里到处都彰显着魅力的华彩、实力的底蕴、活力的风姿! 让我们走进泉城,品味泉韵……
The Yellow River east, the wind is a Yifan hanging. Pentium eastward of the Yellow River, playing the passionate melody, recite a magnificent movement, a vivid record of the vicissitudes of the Spring City Jinan change! Into the Springs, there are springs Chuanyang elegance, but also to the east of the Yellow River male Wide; here is the Minghu Green Dutch fresh, more fragrant thousand mountains and rivers; there is a famous history of soil Bin Sheng, more meteorological today. Here and here are the highlight of the gorgeous color, the strength of the background, the vitality of the grace! Let us into the Springs, taste Spring rhyme ......