The 2008 Olympic Games is undoubtedly both an opportunity and a challenge for China. The successful Olympics is both a manifestation of China’s hard power and an embodiment of China’s “soft power.” While focusing on hardware construction throughout the country, it seems more important to recognize the software foundation of the successful Olympic Games. To this end, Diplomatic Review has specially interviewed Mr. Samaranch, former president of the International Olympic Committee, and Mr. He Zhenliang, former vice chairman of the International Olympic Committee, on the instructions of President Wu Jianmin, and invited Mr. Pang Zhongying from Nankai University and Mr. Bi Xidong, a senior sports reporter, On “What is the standard for successful Olympic Games”? Experts jointly expressed a wish: However, the Chinese people are more tolerant, generous and civilized in order to be regarded as a successful Olympic Games and a grand event for the success of the world, China and Beijing.