“无论是用英语还是德语,她都将音乐阐释得如此完美,以至听者能从她的歌声中感受到其中所流淌的思想与情感……她用富有旋律性、极具特质的声音将舒伯特沃尔夫、舒曼、马勒,甚至是道兰德(Dowland)的音乐表现出了更为丰富的意蕴。”这是《奥地利新闻报》(die Presse)对安娜·普洛哈斯卡这位年轻歌唱家的评价。安娜?普洛哈斯卡(Anna Prohaska)1983年出生于奥地利维也纳的一个音乐世家,曾祖父卡尔·普洛哈斯卡是当地颇有名气的作曲家,祖父菲利克斯·普洛哈斯卡是一位指挥家与音乐教师。自幼浸淫于艺术氛围中的安娜,6岁便开始了钢琴与芭蕾舞的学习。14岁刚刚在声乐方面展露天赋的安娜顺利进入柏林著名的汉斯?艾斯勒音乐学院(The Hanns EislerAcademy of Music),先后跟随诺尔玛·夏普(Norma Sharp)、布兰达·米歇尔(Brenda Mitchell)沃尔夫拉姆?里格尔(Wolfram Rieger)等多位名师学习声乐。随后她开启了自己的舞台生涯,相继在德国多个著名音乐节上担任独唱并成功地举办了个人音乐会,逐步在人才济济的国际声乐舞台上赢得
“Whether in English or German, she interprets the music so perfectly that the listener can feel the thoughts and emotions flowing in her song ... she uses the melodic and distinctive voice Schubert Wolff, Schumann, MAHLE, and even Dowland’s music show a richer meaning. ”" This is what the Die Presse told Annapolis Huska the young singer evaluation. Anna Prohaska was born in 1983 in Vienna, Austria, a music family, great-grandfather Karl Pro-Haskaska is a famous local composer, his grandfather Felix Lohaska is A conductor and music teacher. Anna, who had been involved in the art scene since her childhood, started piano and ballet learning at the age of six. At the age of 14, Anna, who has just been vocal in talent, entered the famous Hannover Eisler Academy of Berlin in Berlin and followed Norma Sharp, Brenda Mitchell Brenda Mitchell) Wolfram Rieger and many other celebrities to learn vocal music. She then started her own stage career, soloing at several famous festivals in Germany and successfully holding individual concerts, gradually gaining talent on the international vocal stage