贝多芬的小提琴奏鸣曲早有前辈 大师的录音,也有当代名家如 帕尔曼与阿什肯纳济合作的CD版本(企鹅三星带花),但再好的唱片也不能为聆听者提供现场的影像。穆特演绎全本贝多芬小提琴奏鸣曲(贝多芬称
Beethoven’s violin sonatas have long been recorded by the older masters, as well as the CD version (Penguin Samsung band flowers) by contemporary masters such as Perlman and Ashkenazy, but even the best records do not provide live images to the listeners. . Mute interpretation of the Beethoven violin sonatas (Beethoven said