The Strategies of learning English Vocabulary in High school

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  In the current context of globalization, English is playing an increasingly prominent role as a language tool. With the rapid development of China’s economy and the increasing frequency of international exchanges, the language requirements for future workers are also increasing rapidly. As English is a communication tool, vocabulary is like a cornerstone which plays an important role in language learning and use. In our country, many high school students are good at grammar, but due to the lack of vocabulary, they are often unable to understand the reading and listening materials well, and cannot communicate with foreigners effectively in English. High school students often complain that words are too hard to remember.Therefore, it is urgent to master some effective vocabulary learning methods and strategies.
  Strategies for vocabulary learning
  1. Expand vocabulary accumulation
  Before learning English vocabulary, we should begin”understanding words”.Understand the perspective of understanding of words, the pronunciation, characters, structure and so on and find English word formation rules, on the basis of understanding fully expand vocabulary.
  2. Learning in combination with the context
  English learning needs to create a good learning environment and atmosphere and use vocabulary in a reasonable context. Compared to Chinese, English vocabulary has certain particularity, in the different context of English, the same English word meaning is not the same in different sentences according to the context of the relationship.The understanding of the English vocabulary must develop fully to the context.Once left the context, words can’t convey the subject of the statement to express itself. We must combine the meaning of the whole sentence to make sense of the logic, so as to use the vocabulary correctly, constantly consolidate the memory of the vocabulary, and cultivate the ability to use the vocabulary.
  3. Analyze the composition of root affixes
  The composition of English words is usually “source” and “root”. Root and suffix (prefix and suffix) are the “root” of words, constituting 80% of words in English. Most words in English are derived words and they are combined by root affixes. Generally, English words can be divided into three parts: prefix root suffix. It can be seen that analyzing the structure of words and remembering them is one of the most effective ways to expand one’s vocabulary. According to years of learning, high school students can accumulate the roots and affixes they have memorized, and then make logical inference. It is not hard to speculate that the earphone refers to a headset on the head. Affixes refer to the morphemes attached to the root of a word to indicate the grammatical meaning and the meaning of some minor words. They are usually divided into prefixes and suffixes according to the position of word formation. Because the affixes themselves do not have real lexical meaning, they are also called virtual morphemes. In high school,we are more familiar with affixes than with roots, because the role of affixes in textbooks and in class is often repeatedly emphasized. Affixes are very helpful for learners to memorize vocabulary, among which, prefixes only change the meaning of words without changing the character of words, while suffixes will change the character of words.   4. Associative memory
  Vocabulary is not exist in isolation, often correlated between words, and we have the associative ability of word, voice, and cultural ties, through the repeated review on learning vocabulary to enlarge vocabulary, can increase the freshness of learning again at the same time, achieve the result that consider in association. For high school students, associating words or phrases with similar structural meanings is often the easiest and most effective way to remember them. For example, when learning the word greediness, be greed for, be greed of, be greed after, be greed to do sth. Learners tend to have weak memory in some fixed collocation of word, you can find out the common significance of words, then along with all the memories, such as: be known as, be regarded as to be recognized as they mean is “is considered to be……” In addition,we can learn vocabulary by associating con-formal words differently. Such as pillow, willow, billow that were found in three words-billows, but it is not the root of these words, because these three words is different except the first letter, the rest of the alphabet is exactly the same structure, then compare these three words memory, the effect obviously is wonderful.
  [1]Chen qingbin.Research on English vocabulary learning strategies [D].Beijing:capital normal university,2005.
  [2]Xie jianxia.Research on vocabulary learning strategies in high school [J].Guide to knowledge seeking,2016,2.
【摘要】小学阶段是义务教育的初级阶段,在小学教育教学中,发展学生的核心素养,培养学生的良好品格,是教学的一项重要任务。在新课改推动下,学核心素养培养和渗透也成为英语教学关注的重要话题。文章结合小学英语教学内容和特点,就如何在小学英语教学中渗透核心素养教育提出了几点建议,希望能对英语教学有所帮助。  【关键词】核心素养;小学;英语教学;渗透  【作者简介】程奇林,安徽省合肥市庐江县晨光小学。  英语
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【摘要】在新一轮课程改革不断深化的今天,情境教学受到了教育界的大力提倡。以传统的以知识灌输为主的教学方式不同,情境教学是指教师在课堂教学活动开展中立足教学所需为学生创设一定的教学情境,借助直观形象的情境调动学生的课堂参与积极性,使学生在情境参与中自主地感知、探究、理解新知内容,帮助学生在积极情感的作用下有效地建构知识体系。在本文中,我主要立足初中英语教学活动的开展谈一谈如何实施情境教学。  【关键
一、案例背景  2016年9月,中国学生发展核心素养研究成果发布,中学英语学科的核心素养包括语言能力、思维品质、文化能力和学习能力。在英语的听、说、读、写四个技能中,阅读属于英语学习中语言输入,是非常重要的一项技能,但是现在,为了应对考试,英语的阅读课,常常变成以老师的讲授为中心,重点放在词汇、语法、句子结构上,导致学生对阅读失去兴趣,阻碍了英语阅读能力的培养。  笔者认为,将思维导图与阅读课有机
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【摘要】生活是写作的源头活水。小学英语写作教学中,教师应结合教材资源,根据学生的学情与学习目标,密切联系并发掘生活中学生喜闻乐见的人、事、物,激发学生的写作兴趣。因此,将英语写作的生活化教学,有助于提高学生的英语理论与实践口语水平。  【关键词】英语教材;高年级;小学教学;生活化;写作  【作者简介】冯文娟(1988-),女,汉族,本科,浙江省台州市仙居县下各镇中心小学教师,研究方向:英语教学。 
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【Abstract】Idioms are an important reflection of the culture of a language. English and Chinese are both rich in idioms. However, owing to different religious culture, the religious messages embodied i