Price changes of Chinese rare earth products since 2009

来源 :China Rare Earth Information | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:babyjoyce
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Affected by economy recession started since 2008, global consumption became weak.Chinese rare earth industry,which has high dependence on the consumption from outside China,experienced a tough period of time led by an abrupt decrease in demand. Prices of rare earth products dropped rapidly and significantly and fluctuated at a low level near the cost line persistently.The market was very grim in 2009. At the beginning of 2009,Chinese government set down ten industry revitalization and development pro- Affected by economy recession started since 2008, global consumption became weak. Chinese rare earth industry, which has high dependence on the consumption from outside China, experienced a tough period of time led by an abrupt decrease in demand. Prices of rare earth products dropped rapidly and significantly and fluctuated at a low level near the cost line persistently. The market was very grim in 2009. At the beginning of 2009, Chinese government set down ten industry revitalization and development pro-
自1986年以来,我们采用自制消炎散治疗外阴阴道炎,取得满意疗效。现将1989年1月至12月对514例患者的治疗效果及体会介绍如下。 临床资料 1.药物配制。取儿茶、樟丹、海螵蛸
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