The Simple Analysis of New Concept English in Terms of the Teaching and Learning

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  【Abstract】New Concept English, as a distinctive learning material, has been welcomed in China for 40 years. Many schools and off-campus English training centers chose it as a supplementary teaching resource. NCE have played such a meaningful role in English education so far and it had advantages over other teaching materials. Meanwhile, the roles of a teacher is importance and students have to choose a proper way to use it as well.
  【Key words】New Concept English; self-study; off-campus study; teachers’ role
  1. The Written background
  1.1 The Demand of the Era
  In the 1990s, China’s basic education experienced a transformation form “exam-oriented” to “quality-oriented”. The Full-time Senior High School English Syllabus (1993) came out then. The teaching guidelines also called for the study of overseas theories of language and language teaching and for a synthesis of Western and Chinese ideas. (付安權, 2015) In 1993 to 2000, the English education in China has been in the phase of reform.
  1.2 The Creation Intention
  Alexander held that a student’s mastery of a language is ultimately measured by how well he can use it, not by how much he knows about it. So it offered an opportunity to all-round development of four language skills, which was less restricted by the criterion of the curriculum.
  2. Learning Methods of NCE
  NCE was adopted as a good option on campus and off-campus, and for both self-study and teaching.
  2.1 Self-study of NCE
  The difficulty degree increases step by step so students do not worry that they cannot cover it. A studen can first refer which section is fit for him, and then start there. And he can adjust the learning of NCE to the process of curriculum at school, he can increase the comprehension after the reinforced learning.
  Learning independently needs a good habit of thinking and self-control. So it means only if a student can upgrade by self-study NCE, he has built up favorable learning habits successfully.
  2.2 Off-campus Study of NCE
  Along with the nationally published textbooks, NCE was simultaneously considered as a supplementary teaching resource. And nowadays the NCE is adopted extensively in all kinds of institutions, about 15 students form a small class. And in this way, they communicate directly and expose problems more easily. And reading, reciting, listening and writing exercise went more efficiently.
  3. Teachers’ Role in the Teaching of the NCE   It is a challenge for off-campus teachers to teach NCE. Teachers play number of roles.
  3.1 An Enabler of the Atmosphere
  As for a text-centered teaching, the lessons for the NCE have to be vivid and active in accordance with its own character. Teachers should make much effort to attract and encourage students, making a vigorous atmosphere.
  3.2 An Exciter
  It’s teachers’ duty to prompt students concentrate. Arousing interest is difficult, but keeping it is more tough. And confidence is the best activator for all the things, students should also be convinced of their own good ability. In this way, especially for young children, it makes the process of study a sequence of behaviors that proceeds semi-automatically in a determinate order at the initial phase of learning New Concept English.
  3.3 An Creator of the Teaching Situation
  One of the most satisfying things for students is to correctly and fluently use what has been learned. So a teacher should make an authentic teaching situation. Contributing to students’ cognition and making them experience the growing of their mentality by creating the real or virtual situated teaching is essential and inevitable. Teachers should also give enough practices and other chances to enhance their memory. Students should be told to try, to make mistakes, to correct them and to enjoy facing up to them.
  3.4 An Organizer of the Class
  It cannot be denied that a teacher should organize a class, conforming with the text and teaching objectives. Teachers should organize every lesson and promote the efficiency and students’ proficiency by only English as far as possible. In an off-campus class, there could be merely 15 students in a single class, it’s more likely for a teacher to make eye-contact with every pupil or master their personal level.
  3.5 A Guider on the Road of Study
  To learn a language must be continual process. The master may teach, but progress is up to the individual. And teacher have to guide them to entertain a good habit in such restricted time.
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