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水谷精微源于脾胃,随气机升降出入输布全身,以濡养五脏六腑、四肢百骸,是人体生命活动的物质基础。其输布正常与否,和脏腑间功能调息息相关,其中脾的运化功能是主要的,但不可忽视肺在其中的重要作用,本文仅就这一问题谈谈自己粗浅的认识。肺在水谷精微输布过程中的生理病理肺为主气之枢,水谷精微之气得以输布全身,必赖肺气宣降功能。《内经》曰:“人受气于谷,谷入于胃,以传于肺,五藏六府,皆以受气”。这就是说,源于中焦 The Migu subtle originates from the spleen and stomach, and it is the material basis of human life activities as the airlift moves up and down into and out of the body to support five organs, six skeletons and one hundred limbs. Whether it is normal or not, is closely related to the functional adjustment between the organs. The function of the spleen is the main function, but the important role of the lungs cannot be ignored. This article only talks about the superficial understanding of this problem. The physiological pathology of the lungs in the process of microscopic dissemination of the waters of the lungs is the pivot of the lung-based gas. The subtle gas of the Mizuno can be transmitted to the whole body, and it will depend on the function of the lungs to declare and descend. The “Nei Jing” said: "People are affected by gas, Valley into the stomach, spread to the lungs, and there are five reservoirs and six houses. That is to say, from the middle coke
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