Since the insect-resistant cotton varieties were widely planted and popularized in Jinnan District, the harm of cotton aphid in the cotton fields has been increasing year by year due to the decrease of the medication frequency in the cotton fields, becoming one of the major pests in cotton production. In this experiment, six kinds of insecticides were used to control the cotton aphid in the field, and the efficacy analysis was carried out to achieve the purpose of screening the best prevention and cure agent. The results showed that the best effect of 2500 times solution of 3% wk 2500 times and 4% alverine 2500 times was the best, the average correction effect was above 97% in 14 days, the persistence period in field was above 15 days, the imidacloprid 10% 40g / 667m2) + additives (15g / 667m2), 25% aphid sword 1500 times, 5% aphids 1500 times 14d correction control effect is above 95%, the above agents can be used in the prevention and control rotation.