译者的话 :不少演员和创作人员 ,或许是由于对文学艺术的社会性和美学意义认识模糊 ,一谈到生活和学习问题 ,他们总认为无关紧要 ,是过时的老一套。他们认为重要的是在舞台、银幕、剧情上表现自己 ,认为演员的秘诀就是善于自我表现。同时 ,由于他们对国外演员缺乏了解 ,便误认为外国那些明星都是表现自己 ,创造角色根本与我们国内这一套是两回事。请看看这位名震环球的英国女演员是如何对待生活、学习和角色创造的吧。请铭记她的名言 :“演员的创作原料是人 !”
Translator’s remark: Many actors and writers, perhaps because of the social and aesthetic significance of literary and artistic understanding of vagueness, when it comes to life and learning, they always think it does not matter, is outdated old age. They think it is important to express themselves on the stage, on the screen, in the story, and to think that the performer’s recipe is good at self-expression. At the same time, because of their lack of understanding of foreign actors, they mistakenly believe that foreign celebrities are all exhibiting themselves, and creating a basic role is not the same as ours. Please take a look at this world-famous British actress is how to deal with life, learning and role creation. Please bear in mind her famous saying: “The actors’ creative materials are human!”