
来源 :财经界 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tonyrice
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世界经济的起伏、国内经济的波动,也迅速传导到了民营经济。然而数据表明,在这次国际金融危机中,民营经济依然保持了相对较快的发展速度。民营企业既是社会财富的创造者、国民经济发展的推动者,也是社会稳定的维护者、社会公平与进步的促进者。当前,推动民营企业履行社会责任,已成为社会的一种广泛共识。 The ups and downs of the world economy and the fluctuation of the domestic economy have also quickly been transmitted to the private economy. However, the data show that in this international financial crisis, the private economy still maintained a relatively fast pace of development. Private enterprises are not only the creators of social wealth, the promoters of national economic development, but also the maintainers of social stability and the promoters of social fairness and progress. At present, promoting private enterprises to fulfill their social responsibilities has become a broad consensus of the community.
苏州的园林无数,因知名的太多,所以许多虽精致而不太知名的小园林,往往被人所忽略。而我有个癖好,凡事总喜欢反其道,他人所冷落的,倒常常为我所追求。譬如苏州市区东北角有个巴掌大的半园,好多“老苏州”也未必知晓,而我十多年前一次偶然撞见,其园内的意趣深得我心,每每不能忘却。  大概在上世纪90年代,一次我在苏州闲逛,不知怎地就撞上了白塔东路上的半园。那时的园林并没有开放,园林好像还属于某某国企,但其内的