《他与帝国同行》讲述的是17世纪由欧洲耶稣会派往中国的传教士汤若望传奇的一生。汤若望(Johann Adam Schall von Bell,1591—1666),出生于科隆贵族家庭,在意大利学习数学、物理、神学和天文学,在罗马加入耶稣会后,被选中前往中国传教。经徐光启推荐,汤若望奉召来到北京,协助徐光启编修《崇祯历书》,受明朝朝廷命令制造火炮。并完成了测算日食和月食的《交食说》,后被御封为钦天监监正,官居一品。1644年清兵入关占领北京,需要颁布新的历法,汤若望的“西洋新法历书”获得颁行,为《时宪历》。
“He is traveling with the Empire” is about the legendary life of the 17th-century legendary Jesuit missionary sent to China by the Jesuits of Europe. Johann Adam Schall von Bell (1591-1666), born in Cologne’s noble family, studied mathematics, physics, theology and astronomy in Italy and was chosen to preach in China after he joined the Jesuits in Rome. Recommended by Xu Guangqi, Tang Ruowang was called to Beijing to assist Xu Guangqi in the editing of the “Chongzhen calendar,” ordered by the Ming court to manufacture artillery. And completed the measurement of eclipses and eclipses, “Food and Beverage said,” was later sealed as imperial supervision Yinzhu, Guanju a product. The capture of Qing troops by 1644 took over Beijing and required the promulgation of a new calendar. The “Western New French Calendars” issued by Tang Ruowang was proclaimed “the constitutional calendar of the time.”