我遇到的都是好人之(一) 把被动的“奶酪”拿回来

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为响应全党正在开展的“三严三实”专题教育活动,自本期开始,本刊将陆续刊登宇桥同志的《我遇到的都是好人》系列文章。全文由50多篇文化故事组成,其中每一篇都自成一体,且通篇首尾呼应。文章采用纪实文学的手法,再现了改革开放三十年中,发生在一个国企负责人身上的真实故事,有如打开国企改革的历史记忆,让人感佩,发人深省。“三严三实”专题教育活动聚焦对党忠诚,个人干净,敢于担当,着力解决“不严不实”问题。刊登宇桥同志的系列文章,旨在深入学习贯彻习近平总书记的系列重要讲话精神,紧紧围绕协调推进“四个全面”战略布局,在巩固和拓展党的群众路线教育实践活动成果上见成效,在守纪律讲规矩营造良好政治生态上见成效,在真抓实干推动国企改革发展稳定上见成效。 In response to the special education campaign entitled “Three Strictnesses and Three Truths” launched by the entire party, we have successively published a series of articles by Comrade Yu Qiao about “All I Meet Are Good People” since the beginning of this issue. The full text consists of more than 50 cultural stories, each of which are self-contained and echoed throughout. The article adopts the method of documentary literature to reproduce the true story of the person in charge of a state-owned enterprise during the 30 years of reform and opening up. It is as memorable and thought-provoking as opening the history memory of state-owned enterprise reform. “Strict and Strict” Special education activities focus on the party loyalty, personal clean, dare to play, and strive to solve “unscrupulous ” issue. The series of articles published by Comrade Yu Qiao aimed to deepen study and implementation of the series of important speeches by General Secretary Xi Jinping and focus on the coordination and promotion of the “four comprehensive” strategic layout and on the results of consolidating and expanding the party’s mass line educational practice See effectiveness, rules and regulations in the discipline to create a good political and ecological success, in the real work hard to promote the reform and development of state-owned enterprises achieved success.
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