该模式适宜在水热条件较好的川水地区推广种植。一般产量为玉米7500千克/公顷,洋葱57000千克/公顷,产值39000元/公顷,纯收入32250元/公顷。1 种植形式 洋葱于9月中下旬按行距20厘米条播,次年4月中旬在洋葱行间隔行套种玉米,行距40厘米,株距35~40厘米,保苗61500株/公顷~72000株/公顷。2 主要技术
This model is suitable for promotion of planting in the water-heat area with good water and heat conditions. General output of 7500 kg of corn / ha, onion 57000 kg / ha, the output value of 39,000 yuan / hectare, net income of 32,250 yuan / hectare. Planting onion in mid-to-late September at a spacing of 20 cm from the sowing, the mid-April of the following year interplanting corn intercropped line spacing of 40 cm, spacing 35-40 cm, seedling 61500 / hectare ~ 72000 plants / hectare. 2 main technologies